Safety and Security

BFC Safety Management Systems (SMS)
Safety is no accident.
The Brampton Flight Centre is devoted to making the flying experience an enjoyable and SAFE experience. In order to do this we have implemented a Safety Management System (SMS).
SMS Program Objectives
Ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
Provide a safe, secure and healthy Club environment for all employees and members.
Prevent aircraft and workplace accidents/incidents and manage risk resulting in a positive economic impact on our future.
The following elements form the basis for the Safety Management Program at BFC
Company Safety Policy
SMS Management Plan
Company Aviation Safety Officer (CASO)
Company Occupational Health & Safety Officer
Occurrence and Hazard Reporting System
Documentation and Central Library
Non Punitive Reporting System
Safety Committee
Safety Inspections/Surveys
Emergency Response Planning
Communication and Safety Education
Perhaps the most important part of the SMS culture is REPORTING:
- BFC realizes that people will make mistakes and errors.
- BFC has a non-punitive reporting system.
- To prevent incidents and accidents we require information on all our operational performance. That information includes human as well as system performance at all levels of operation. To encourage safety reporting, a voluntary, non-punitive reporting program has been developed by BFC.
- The goal of BFC is to make staff and members feel comfortable in approaching the CASO and reporting concerns, and advising the CASO of errors that they have committed. The focus of the program is to find the root causes that allowed the error to occur. BFC will then look into ways of preventing the error from reoccurring.
- The BFC does not assign blame to an individual unless there was criminal intent, gross negligence, or use of illicit substances on the part of the individuals involved. To facilitate the ease of reporting, the Brampton Flight Centre has an online reporting system or you can get a BFC Occurrence Reporting Form from front desk.
1) Pick up a BFC Occurence Reporting Form at the Front Counter Dispatch. Fill it in and return it to the Front Desk to the ATTENTION of: Anumol Vincent, CASO
2) Contact Our Company Aviation Safety Officer (CASO)
Anumol Vincent, Flight Instructor, [email protected]
3) Fill in the Online Reporting Form: