Study Permit Application Process – Currently Closed To International Students

You will need to obtain a Study Permit if you are studying in Canada for a program longer than six months.

Documents required for application of study permit:
A] ID, Education Proof, and Medical Certificate

  1. Valid passport (please note that the passport should be valid during the students stay in Canada),
  2. Birth Certificate,
  3. Letter of Acceptance from your Institute of Study/ Training (Brampton Flight Centre),
  4. Education Qualifications/ Academic Certificates,
    a. Grade 10 certificate
    b. Grade 12 certificate
    c. Any graduation certificate/ mark sheets if results awaited
    d. IELTS – English with a minimum score of 7.0 for an update about the IELTS process please visit here
  5. Transport Canada Medical Certificate.

B] Financial Documents

  1. Any fees paid to the institute.
    a. This will be supplied to you by the Brampton Flight Centre as an invoice statement showing credit on your account,
  2. Documents proving financial ability to cover tuition for living in Canada (how to estimate living expenses). List of Documents (finance) – not all of these documents are required but your chances for being approved for a student visa in Canada are greatly enhanced with the quantity and quality of documents you show. If you have all the documents listed in this document, you may not have to have an interview.
    i) Letter/Affidavit of Sponsorship
    ii) Bank Statements (for preceding 12 months – highly recommend at least 6 months)
    iii) Business Account Statements (in case of business families)
    iv) Fixed Deposit Slips
    v) Any Mutual Bonds, Shares, Equity Investments
    vi) Life Insurance Policies
    vii) Public Provident Funds
    viii) Property Evaluation Certificates + Ownership Papers. Beneficial to have but not necessary to prove to Embassy:
    ix) Gold/ Diamond Evaluation Certificates***Please note that they prefer to see education loans from a bank, as they will know exactly where the money is coming from. They would prefer to see proof of liquid assets such as fixed deposits, savings. They want strong evidence of income like Income tax papers, salary slips, etc.

C] Statement of Purpose (answer the questions below in your Statement of Purpose)

  • Why you want to be a Commercial Pilot/ Flight Instructor?
  • Why Canada?
  • Why the Brampton Flight Centre?
  • Indicate any Family Support – relatives at home encourage you
  • Opportunities in your home country (**Important because it helps to prove you have a reason to return to India after your training).
  • Mention the lack of infrastructure for flight training (if applicable)
  • If you are a mature student, you may have to state why you are changing careers


  1. Fill out all the required forms from VFS.Global
  2. Place these papers in order/different sets:
    I) Education and Brampton Flight Centre Letter/Invoice and Transport Canada Medical Certificate
    II) Financial certificates and corresponding documentation
  3. Submit application at any VFS Centre
    – Pay VFS at the time of application
    – Submit original passport approximately 3 days after submission receive passport and a letter from Consulate advising on Interviews/ Medicals
    *If interview required you are able to schedule interview at the VFS Centre. Contact VFS for further details.
    * If advised for medical. You are able to complete the required medical examination at the centers mentioned.
    * 14 days after medical re-submit passport at VFS Centre for the Visa Stamp
    * 3 days after receive passport with your Student Visa.

*Processing times may vary but dates provided are estimates based on average trends