The Brampton Flying Club is a Not-For-Profit Corporation. The Corporation is organized and administered in a manner best designed to manage and conduct the affairs of the Corporation in furtherance of its constitutional objectives.
Lines of Responsibility
The Board of Directors constitutes the top authority of the Corporation. It develops policy, which governs all Corporation activity.
The Executive Committees of the Board act on behalf of the Board of Directors between meetings of the Board to provide an interim source of policy determination and to assure a continuing managerial supervision of Corporation affairs.
The President receives his/her authority from the Board of Directors. He/she is responsible for guiding the affairs of the Corporation and is spokesperson for the Corporation.
Ad hoc committees authorized by the Board of Directors and reporting to the President are formed to run major programs.
The Board of Directors manages the affairs of the Brampton Flying Club as per the by-laws of the Corporation.
Directors of the Board are elected at the Annual General Meeting and stand for a one-year term. Upon completion of that one-year term the Director, if eligible, may run for re-election.
The Board of Directors meet on a monthly basis.
The Board of Directors manages the day-to-day operations and business affairs of the Brampton Flying Club through the General Manager, who manages the Club’s affairs within policies, guidelines and goals developed and as may be determined by the Board.
The role of the Sustaining Membership in the direct governance of the Brampton Flying Club is limited to the right to elect or remove members of the Board of Directors, and to stand for election themselves.
The Brampton Flying Club Board of Directors – 2024
Bernie Wurster President | Paul Yardy Vice President | Neil Kruiswyk Secretary |
Robert Beard Treasurer | Bill Lasachuk Director | John Weatherseed Director |
JP Jehu Director | Roger Parent Director | John Vieyra Director |
Management Team
General Manager: Allan Paige
The following managers run the day-to-day operations of the Club in their respective departments and report to the General Manager.
Financial Controller: Daphne Parsons
Chief Flight Instructor: Scott Chayko
ACFI: Charlie Rampulla, Julie Marzoli
Director of Aircraft Maintenance: Angelo Micone
Airport Operations and Property Maintenance Manager: Dan Van Amelsvoort
Flight Line Manager: Lauren Rodgers
BFC Restaurant Cafe Manager: Vipul Coomaraswamy
Humphreys Pilot Shop: Richard Hubley