Dispatch/ FleetCaptain – Advice How to Use

We would like to share some of our insights about the dispatch system.
How to Indicate your Flight Mission
When you are indicating your flight mission details, please note that the system is requesting for you to predict your air time (time spent from wheels up to wheels down). Please do NOT indicate your booking time as algorithms in the system will automatically take into account a half an hour buffer into your mission to compensate for items such as your walk-around and taxiing.
Please only declare your mission after you have completed your pre-flight briefing and are ready for your flight.
It is very important to check the required boxes on the mission data homepage depending on your needs for your flight. Failure to do so may result in an aircraft being assigned to you that is not suitable for your flight objectives. We have check boxes for Utility Category, IFR Instrumentation, Cross Country Flight, Continuous Circuits. Please note that continuous circuits is defined as having two or more circuits immediately preceding the other.
Weight and Balance Considerations
When declaring your Flight Mission, indicate weight in pounds (lbs).
If you would like to conduct a flight exercise in the utility category, you cannot have/declare any baggage in the backseat (this includes your headset bag).
It is important for assignment of an aircraft that meets your needs, that you stipulate when you need an aircraft in the utility category by clicking the required checkbox.
When to Fuel
If you have ½ tanks or less, please park at the fuel pumps. You should not have to park at the pumps if you have more than 1/2 tanks unless otherwise advised by our front desk staff.
If you have completed a cross country flight, upon your return go back to the pumps (regardless of fuel level).
On your Flight Authority Form, you will be notified a range of fuel (maximum and minimum levels), that would allow you to execute your flight safely. You are required to check the fuel status and confirm that you are within your weight and balance limitations.
How to Check in After your Flight
You can scan the QR Code on the Flight Authority Form.
- If you have an iPhone, you can set your phone up as to take a picture, and your phone will automatically redirect you to the code specific website.
- If you do not have an iPhone or this automatic feature is not working, you can download the QR reader 2019 app for free.
- Do NOT indicate individual legs of flights until the total flight has been completed.
Indicating Air Time
Must indicate actual time for air time using your watch/clock. Please indicate time in local time (not Zulu). It is Not acceptable to assume 0.2 less.
Hobbs Time
Hobbs needs to be consistent with number of digits. Example 34.5 and 35.5 (##.#)
Similar to our procedures before, please make sure that you notify front desk as soon as possible if you have recorded a defect in the journey logbook.
DO NOT put the journey log back in the document bag. Instead, please place in the designated space for red carded journey logs.
Once you indicate a concern, the front desk staff will have to update our Fleet Captain Program. Immediate action will prevent the aircraft from being dispatched accidentally to another person.
Deferred Items
Please note, that the new system will NOT decide a suitable flight based on all defects.
However, the system will provide NOTES and it is up to the PIC to decide whether the aircraft is suitable for their flight. Please ensure that you read these notes each and every flight.
Nice to Know Tidbits
- PIC must recalculate weight and balance and check fuel levels if they land at another airport and get more fuel.
- Do not enter legs during cross country flights. Instead, enter all legs upon your return back to CNC3.
- Cessna R and Cessna S will be treated as one fleet.
- Cessna P will be a fleet of its own.
Night Flights
FleetCaptain uses the wheels down time, together with the Hobbs times and the time of local civil nightfall to calculate day/night. In short, wheels down plus three minutes is assumed to be the end of flight time. The beginning of flight time is that minus the Hobbs interval. FleetCaptain knows the end of civil twilight so it calculates how much of the flight time was before that and how much after.
- For this reason, you can request dispatch to give you a print out of your night times according to FleetCaptain to compare timings.
300NM XC
If two pilots will be flying together for 300nm xc, then both pilots would have to create their own mission and therefore sign their own flight authority form. The second pilot should be recorded as their passenger for the respective flight. When entering information into the mission data, you will need to include the air time for all respective routes (CNC3 to 1st stop + 1st to 2nd stop + 2nd stop to 300nm destination) combined or the reverse (300nm destination to 1st stop + 1st stop to 2nd stop + 2nd stop back to CNC3).
It is possible to request a specific aircraft for a flight for special/unique circumstance. However only unique requests will be considered and at no time can we guarantee an aircraft. Please inquire with our Front Desk Manager if you need help in this regard.