Extended Rentals

General Rental Pilot Booking Information
Renters are able to book any aircraft including the reserved 172R/S, on our Wingman reservation system, 30 days in advance.
If you need extra assistance making a booking, you can reach out to our front desk staff at ext. 0 or you can email Rita at [email protected]
The BFC Rental Pilots have a Facebook Page for hooking up with each other. Please use it to arrange group fly outs, post photos, interesting links, education, questions and anything else you would like to share with this closed group related to renting aircraft and having fun. This is a great networking tool!
Aircraft Availability for the Rental Pilot Community
One C172R/S has been denoted as an aircraft that is primarily accessible for rentals and rental refresher flights to be booked. Reservations can be made on this designated aircraft by changing the location to Brampton Rental Aircraft Only. To gain access to this option, you cannot be a student training towards a licence or rating. If you qualify but do not have access, please notify [email protected] for further assistance.
For Extended Rentals (flight reservations for 4 hours or more), you will need to reach out to our Chief Flight Instructor Scott Chayko so that you can seek approval for the extended rental. Scott can be reached at [email protected].