Hangar & Tie-down Community

Neil and Bill

Airport Security

Please help us to keep the airport secure. If you notice any unusual activity or see people you do not recognize within the hangar community, like these “suspicious characters” pictured above, take notes and report it as soon as possible:

Emergency: 911 Non-Emergency: Caledon OPP – 1-888-310-1622 or 905-584-2241

Please forward all airport security concerns or incidents to the General Manager, Allan Paige 905.838.1400 x 222 [email protected] or the Airport Manager, 905.838.1400 x 215 [email protected]  The Airport Manager is also your contact for all hangar community related communications.

More Emergency Contact Information

Gate #6 (North Service Entrance – North Gravel Parking Lot)

The NUMBER for the combination lock at Gate #6 in the North Parking is changed periodically. Please ensure the gate is secured and relocked each time it is opened.

Snow Removal

Email or call Flight Line at [email protected] or 905-838-1400 ext. 230.

Hangar Ground Lease Responsibilities

The Club owns all of the lands on which the hangars are built. We have 159 hangar units on the field. The Club owns 43 and the remaining 116 units are privately owned. Hangar owners do not have the right to occupy their hangars without a signed Hangar Ground Lease in place.  This states that “The Club agrees to lease the Hangar Lands to the Hangar Owner (Tenant), provided and for so long as the Tenant is a member in good standing of the Club, for the sole purposes of using and maintaining the Hanger and the Hangar Lands, upon and subject to the terms of this lease and in accordance with the uses allowed by the Lease.” Hangar Tenants must be BFC Members.  Each Tenant and each owner of the aircraft to be stored in the Hangar must have and maintain a fully paid-up membership in good standing in the Club. If the Tenant is a partnership, or if the aircraft to be stored in the Hangar is owned by a partnership, each partner must be a member of the Club and be a party to the Lease. In addition, the Tenant shall not assign the Lease, sublease or permit the occupation by others of any portion of the hangar without obtaining prior written consent from the Club.

Brampton Airport – Vehicle Airside Policy

With an increasing number of vehicles within the hangar community and concerns expressed from the hangar community, BFC will be tightening up control in regard to airside vehicle access.

If it is absolutely necessary for you to bring a vehicle airside, such as transporting equipment to a hangar, please make arrangements in advance by contacting Nanci Soldo, Airport Administration. At that time, she will have you sign the BFC Vehicle Airside Policy, and then provide you with the code. In an effort to improve security, we ask that you do not share this code with anyone.  Nanci can be reached at [email protected], or extension 333.

Hangars are for Aircraft

We are often reminded by our insurance company that “Hangars are for Aircraft”. The reason for this is to keep the risk of loss at a minimum, and to protect our Club, people and property. The Hangar and the Hangar Lands are to be used and occupied solely for the storage of the Tenant’s aircraft and its accessories, supplies or equipment.

Hangars may not be used to store materials or objects not related to the Tenant’s aircraft or not related to aviation purposes. That includes cars, trailers, snowmobiles, boats, etc. Hazardous or flammable materials should not be used or stored in or around the hangars except those needed for the normal operation and maintenance of your aircraft.

Tenants are to comply with all relevant laws, by-laws, rules, regulations and guidelines of any relevant governmental authority, the Club and/or any insurer of the Club or the Tenant, including, without limitation, all federal aviation laws and all environmental laws.

Example: Spray Painting is Prohibited

Process for Hangar Improvements

As per the BFC Tenant Ground Leases, all changes and improvements to hangars require approval. Click here for the procedure application for Hangar Improvements. Please contact Nanci  [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns. Nanci can fax or email you the required documentation, along with the Contractor Agreement.

BFC Aircraft Washing Facility

The BFC Aircraft Washing Facility is available to aircraft based on the field from April to the end of October each year.  The water is normally shut off the first week in November to prevent the pipes from freezing during the winter season.