Welcome to the BFC Women’s Aviation Network!

Introduction by Julie Pomeroy, General Manager, Brampton Flying Club
In 2011, the Brampton Flying Club (BFC) identified the need to make a special effort to attract more women to the aviation industry. Only 6% of the members at the BFC are women and in fact only 6% of pilots in North America are women! There are few reasons, that we can see, that should prevent women from being pilots, flight instructors, aircraft maintenance engineers (AMEs), aviation managers or business owners. The industry is predicting pilot shortages in the future. There is opportunity for jobs and careers in aviation now.
Our Goals:
- Encourage more women to choose aviation as a career and help them to succeed in the industry.
- Increase the number of members, who are women at the Brampton Flying Club, from 6% to 10%, or 38 members.
- Increase the number of Sustaining Members who are women by 10% or approximately 12 in 2018.
- Creation of the Women’s Aviation Network (WAN) to help women get linked to each other and to industry opportunities.
- Identify barriers to women in aviation through surveys and research. Plan to remove identified barriers.
- Development of an outreach program to young women in high school. Let them know that getting involved in the aviation industry can be a great career path. Provide different options, assistance and support.
Women in Aviation International (WAI) provided the following information: According to Federal Aviation Administration data, as of December 31, 2017 (the most recent available), 42,694 women hold a pilot certificate, representing 7 percent of the total pilot population. Of these female pilots, 6,994 women hold an Air Transport Pilot certificate. The number of female pilots in the United States has been slowly but steadily increasing in recent years.
Get Connected:
We encourage both men and women to join the WAN network to help spread the word and become involved. CONTACT Nanci Soldo at [email protected] 905-838-1400 Ext. 333 to join WAN and recieve our news bulletins.
Come Fly With Us!