Register now to reserve your spot for our next Transport Canada Advanced Exam Prep Course November 4th-7th
RPAS Advanced Exam prep course registration is now open.
We are now offering our Students a unique work experience to take part in work placements with Professional RPAS operators, if you successfully complete our Transport Canada Exam prep course. As part of a working crew on a variety of projects and positions you will experience what’s its like to be a part of real RPAS operations ! Note* some positions may require you to have passed a flight review and be a holder of a Transport Canada Advanced Certificate.
Foreign Operators Filming in Canada
All foreign operators who wish to fly RPAS in Canada(Drones) For Commercial purposes must meet the following requirements from Transport Canada. The individuals or companies must first take a Transport Canada TP15263 Ground School from a recognized TC self declared School. They must also pass a flight review and acquire an SFOC (Special Flight Operations Certificate) from Transport Canada. The SFOC Process can take up to 30 working days.
Transport Canada is accepting SFOC for Foreign operators who wish to fly for tourism or commerce. . This does not include sub 250gm RPAS such as the Mavic Mini.
The Brampton Flight Center Specializes in custom programs for foreign operators and Canadian based companies. For more information regarding these programs and options contact us by phone or email.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact:
Richard Hubley
Manager RPAS Programs
Brampton Flight Centre
Phone: 905 838-1400 ext 214
We offer special discounts for Flight Review’s for Individuals or groups who take our Transport Canada Exam Prep course. We also offer course discounts for companies or organizations for the exam prep course.
Note – Transport Canada will now use the term RPAS to identify all/any aircraft without a pilot onboard. Be prepared for the new regulations !!!!
The new regulations will no longer differentiate between recreational use and non-recreational use. This means that unless otherwise authorized, those operating model aircraft will have to follow many of the same regulations as the commercial operators.
New regulations for RPAS operations are now mandatory. written testing and flight Testing. If you are operating a UAS/RPAS(Remote Piloted Aircraft System) or as they are commonly known (Drones)for any purpose commercial or for fun start your Training now at the Brampton Flight Centre. We are a Transport Canada recognized TP15263E compliant training facility.
We can accommodate individuals , Groups or Companies.
The use of RPAS/UAS (Drones) has increased exponentially over the past few years both recreationally and commercially. With the coming implementation of strict Transport Canada regulations for both recreational and commercial UAS operators it has become a sometimes-confusing landscape.
The Brampton Flight Centre is uniquely positioned to deliver a comprehensive RPAS course that will enable RPAS pilots to learn not only the Regulations for flying your RPAS recreationally and Commercially in Canada, but also detailed insight on many RPAS related subjects. The Program will be taught by Both Qualified Flight instructors and Commercial RPAS Pilots. With many hours of Flight experience.
4 Day Program includes Transport Canada Exams Preparation Part I & Part 2: Study Guide Book(Canadian RPAS Study Guide) and Log Book(Journey and Technical Log Book. included in the course as well as On line reference and study materials. ROC-A Radio Exam for Aviation if requested.
Course Part 1
Program Part1 & 2 Includes: (Ground School for RPAS Advanced and Basic Operators)
Part I of the program will include the following RPAS related subjects.
Transport Canada Regulations for Commercial RPAS Operators
- New Regulations June 1st 2019
- The Future of RPAS in Canada
- Canadian Aviation Regulations Part IX
- RPAS Care and Maintenance
- Basic and Advanced Operations
- Knowledge Testing
- Safe Flying Procedures
- Flight Controls
- Flight Planning
- Video and Imaging Software and Techniques
- LiPo Batteries Storage and Transport
- Clubs and Organizations
- Multi-Person Operations
- SFOC (Special Flight Operations Certificate) for Commercial UAS Pilots
- Fines and Consequences of unsafe flying.
- Administration and Compliance
- FPV and Night Flying
- Payloads
- Flight Termination Systems and Procedures
- Operations in Controlled Airspace
- Record keeping and Documentation
- Recency Requirements
- Advanced Operations
- Basic Operations
- Airframes, Power Plants and Propulsion Systems
- Electrical Systems
- Software
- Visual Line of Sight (VLOS) Requirements
- Brushless Motors
- Visual Observers
- Operational Failures and Management
- Winter Operations
- Launch Systems
- Battery Care and Maintenance
- CRM (Crew Resource Management)
- Occupational Safety and Health
- Penalties for Non Compliance
- Flight Reviews
Program Part 2 Includes: (Ground School for RPAS Advanced and Basic Operators)
- Navigation
- Human Factors
- Air law (CARs),
- Meteorology
- Aeronautics
- Radio Telephony and the Radio exam for Aviation if required