Please Note* We are now booking for October. No September flight Flights Available
Due to high demand for Intro and Sightseeing Flights we are only able to allow you to pick a day for your flight through the online booking form. Your flight time will be assigned by the booking agent. You may specify a time range in the special request section of the form; however, we may not be able to book you at the time you have requested. You will receive an email indicating the time you have been booked for on the day requested.
This introductory flight is for those who are thinking about taking flying lessons and obtaining a pilot’s license. Experience flight first-hand and you may even get to fly the airplane yourself! A Transport Canada approved flight instructor will guide you through what is involved in learning to fly, give you a tour of the BFC facilities and share a 15 to 20-minute flight in a four seat Cessna 172 with you at the controls. We book the experience for an hour so that you can ask questions throughout your experience This flight is only available to one person, as passengers take away from the learning experience. Cost: $175.00 plus HST. Minimum of 48 Hours’ notice required for all flight bookings. This does not guarantee the flight time and date requested will be available. One or more hours can differ between your requested flight time and actual available flight time… If you are flexible in your availability for the flight, please make note that your availability.
If the weather is not suitable for flying on the day of your flight and you would still like to fly, BFC can offer you a half-an-hour and first lesson in the full motion Redbird Flight Simulator for the $100.00 plus tax and you can spend the remaining balance in our gift shop or restaurant. Please note that this change will depend on availability of the instructor and simulator.
Current Published price of package = $175.00 + HST. Prices for flight packages are subject to change due to fluctuating fuel and operational costs. Any priced difference between the Gift Card amount and the cost of the flight package at the time of redemption will be the responsibility of the customer.
Please note the cardholder is entitled to redeem the balance for any goods and services offered at the Brampton Flight Centre. This card cannot be exchanged for cash or applied to an existing balance. Lost, stolen or cards used without permission cannot be replaced, please protect this card as cash.
Note: Gift cards and deposits are not refundable after purchase. All sales are final.
Prices are subject to change.
Gift Cards that are being picked up must be picked up within 5 business days. If you want to receive your gift card by mail please specify in the notes section during checkout. Gift cards not picked up within 5 business days will automatically be sent out by mail. Shipping for gift cards is extra.